Salty Old Geek
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ChatGPT As Your New Security Intern

ChatGPT, really? Here me out, this isn’t saying that ChatGPT is a beacon of security, as recent articles have highlight, but more like a tool, or if you prefer, and intern. We can use ChatGPT to h...

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PowerShell & AD: Sysadmin Unlocking

Why Write This PowerShell Script? The Setting: A little over 5 years ago, I found myself in a company that catered to IT and Copier support for diverse clientele, ranging from medium-sized busine...

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Python Battery Monitor: A Deep Dive

Remix After the previous post, I got to thinking, maybe the battery monitor could be written to be more cross-platform and maybe try streamlining things a little bit. Here’s the breakdown of that ...

Monitor Ubuntu Battery Alerts Using Bash

Battery Alert to NTFY using Bash Recently I’ve started an experiment to use an old laptop as an Ubuntu server. The reason is twofold, to see how it handles different types of loads and to have a b...

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Web-based Text-to-Speech with Coqui TTS

Having spent years in either IT or Electronics R&D and Repair my eyes are starting to have trouble focusing on fine detail, and being most of my work is now on screen it’s had me looking at way...

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Setting Up Obsidian LiveSync with Couchdb

I’d been looking for a way to have better sync with Obsidian notes and started looking for different sync options or maybe an alternative to Obsidian altogether. In the /r/selfhosted Matrix/Discord...

Running Obsidian on ChromeOS with Docker

Why Obsidian-Remote? The initial reason that drew me to Obsidian-Remote was that I needed a way to run it on an old laptop loaded up with ChromeOS Flex. Sure I could set up the linux environment f...

Host an Element Server with Docker

The Foundation This project assumes that you have a machine(Raspberry PI, Le Potato, old PC, Proxmox LXC, etc.) with Docker already installed. If you’re using Promxox check out the scripts for a L...

Guide to Customize Synapse Homeserver.yaml

The Config In my previous post, Setup Guide: Self-Hosted Synapse Matrix with Docker I posted a bare bones homeserver.yaml file for your Synapse instance. In this post we’ll go over a few of the ch...

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Synapse Matrix Server Setup with Docker

Catching up on messages in the r/selfhosted Discord/Matrix groups got me thinking about documenting how I set my synapse instance should it be needed again in the future. This will be a shorter pos...