Salty Old Geek

The Importance of K-12 Data Security

Monday I was reviewing emails, tickets, and tech news when I came across an article about LAUSD(Los Angeles Unified School District) and the ongoing ransomware attack. I decided to do some more dig...

Grand Reopening: Faster, Static Blog Platform

Switching platforms to something statically generated and a little faster Existing posts will be migrated over(if they haven’t been already) and new post will show here. Feel free to follow me on...

Busy Start of K12 Year: An IT Perspective

For those who work in education(primarily k12, or k-12) we can now come up for air. The kids are back in class and routines are starting to mesh, and teachers are settling back into their groove. W...

Master Scripting in IT: Boost Efficiency

After taking an extra day for Labor Day(ie day off work to do chores) I’m back with an article inspired by a Youtuber talking about terminals(the computer kind). This got me thinking about the amou...

The 2008 Dial-Up Tale: Downloading the Internet

This one comes right out of the support center I worked in right after getting out of the Navy, so say 2008ish. Two weeks before this call we had our first call from a sweet old lady who worked at...

Cosmic Rays & Random Crashes: A Scientific Take

If you’ve ever worked a helpdesk you’ve probably encountered that one person who has to have an answer to some random crash. Sure you could dig and dig and might find the point of corruption but no...

MOSFET Failures: When Theory Meets Reality

Engineers can come up with some great ideas but sometimes reality has to just burst that bubble. I’ve worked with a few engineers over the years I’ve done electronics and computer repair, most are ...

Ghost to Jekyll: Speed & Portability Gains

I’ve finally moved the blog over from Ghost to Jekyll, this should hopefully speed up load times as well as take a little load off from my end. In addition this should make the blog more portable i...

Is True Anonymity Possible in a Surveillance World

Reading this article on Wired I decided to comment on it. This article makes some salient points about watching who’s tracking you by gathering and analyzing meta data of devices around you, partic...

Navy Sea Story: The Mystery Inside a Ship's Computer

We were preparing to get underway for WESTPAC 2005, everyone was finishing stowing all that they wanted/could bring with them on deployment. There is pretty limited space on the ship, if you’re luc...